Sage 50 - Quotes converted as won in Error
Book-keeping Software
We have sage 50 accounts professional 2011. In the customer quotations list, someone in error has converted all the quotations as won! So they are all now showing as sales invoices. Does anyone know how we can convert all these sales invoices back as quotes...? Anyones help on this would be much appre...
Accountancy training advice
Book-keeping Training, Qualifications and Professional Bodies
Hi all, I'm new to this site. It was something that I came across by accident while looking for suitable accountancy courses for me to take. A little back ground on me. I work in an industry non-related to Accountancy and currently I am studying my AAT Level 2 so far I've completed BA1 and will take my BA2...
Sage 50 Accounts
Book-keeping Training, Qualifications and Professional Bodies
Hi all, Yesterday I purchased Sage 50 Accounts so that I can get some practice in at home, as I know that this is an important programme for small SME businesses in the UK and hopefully it will make me more marketable as I look for my first job within accountancy. Does anyone have any practice papers tha...
SAGE 50 Cost Codes
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hello, When putting supplier invoices into Sage 50, I put in the a/c, date, ref, n/c, prject ref & Cost code and amount. I know where to find the OHD cost code but I dont know where to find the Materials cost code to find out what we have spent on materials and where. Please could someone give me an ide...
Sage 50 - Recurring Entry on GL but not showing in Bank Rec Screen?
Book-keeping Software
This problem has driven me to distraction. I have a recurring entry setup to occur on the 1st of every month. It shows up on the cash account in the General Ledger, but not in the Bank Reconciliation Screen; thus my rec is off by the amount of the recurring entry. Any suggestions on what I can check to fix t...
How to Manage Multiple Warehouse Locations in Sage 50 Accounts?
Book-keeping Software
A lot of SMEs use Sage 50 Accounts and are constrained by the limitation of being able to use one physical warehouse to record their stock locations. But what if they have more than just one warehouse location? Reaction of most business consultants will advise to upgrade to Sage 200 Accounts. Sounds p...