I received today a post on Twitter about professional bodies and my opinion on whether a member of the IFA (Institute of Financial Accountants) is a qualified accountant. My understanding is that they are not officially qualified accountants. When I stated this I got a bit of a shrugged response as i...
In a further continuation to mine and Shamus' thread on IFA, AIA, ACCA etc. I thought I would gauge what others opinions were in general on the definitions of a qualified accountant. From my own experience I think I may be in somwhat of a 'I am qualified' bubble. My understanding was the CCAB bodies were...
I warn I am in a bit of a rant mode! Does anyone know if there is any protection/ post for recourse for a lack of professionalism by a non qualified accountant? I had a small limited company client that informed me quite a while ago that they were leaving as they found someone to do it cheaper. No problem, I w...