Hello, I'm new here to apologise if this is posted in the wrong forum. I have a friend/client who has just moved from being a sole trader to a ltd company and rather than buy his van from himself he wants to lease it. Is this allowed and is there any paperwork which needs to be filled out prior to him starting...
Hi everyone, I am a complete newbie to accounts and book-keeping and I am starting my own recruitment company. It's just me and my husband and so I don't know what software I need. We will be Ltd and wilol be running a PAYE scheme as well as CIS for my husband. I have been advised by my accountant to get Sage b...
Hi There! I have a ltd company, and am the sole director. For now, I fund the business myself and pay most expenses with my own card as the company often doesn't have enough cash. I expense the receipts, and I dont want to get repaid for now (again, the company doesn't have any cash anyway!). I would have a...