Fuel costs..no mileage kept
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Hi all, One of my clients is self employed and has to travel all round the country with his job. So far all he has kept is receipts for the petrol he has purchased for his car..no mileage has ever been recorded. The car is part business/part private use..although i do need to clarify this. How do i put this...
sole trader start up costs
General Book-keeping & Accounting
I am starting up as a sole trader some time in Febuary. I am going to be incuring about £800 start up costs but am unlikely to make much money until the following financial year. i.e. April this year. Is there any way that these costs can be incuded in the following years tax calculations? I am concerned th...
Landlord allowable expenses?
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Good afternoon, Just need a bit of info regarding allowable expenses for a landlord..renting out 2 properties. I know repairs are fine, improvements aren't. Not sure on the petrol/car front? The car isn't wholly for business use. Can anything to do with the upkeep of the car be put through as an expen...
Pre Start-Up costs...Fuel
General Book-keeping & Accounting
Good morning, If a business isn't officially started until October, can fuel costs of preparing: purchasing stock/Picking up leaflets etc from earlier in the year be allowed? The van used is solely for the business as is the stock purchased. Thank you in advance
Expenses paid through Payroll
VAT, Payroll & Tax
I use sage payroll and accounting. My payroll journals balance (obviously) but I want to record expenses which are paid through payroll, in sage so as to show petrol receipts, hotels, car parking etc as an expense. Should I be using gross pay or gross taxable pay in my original journal? 1) How to enter i...