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Post Info TOPIC: New Book keeper needing help / advice


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New Book keeper needing help / advice

Hi, I'm sure the question has been asked so  many times. But I've recently passed my manual bookkeeping exams and wish to start self employed.
I currently work for a same recruitment company doing their finance and payroll, so even though I've not qualified in payroll or sage I do have experience.

Would the fact that I'm only qualified in manual be a disadvantage ??

Also whats the best way to approach accountancy firms / small businesses to offer my service.

Any experienced book keepers or newly started book keepers willing to give some advice, as I would appreciate it greatly


Natalie Whitehead


Senior Member

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Posts: 137

Your experience in Sage combined with your manual qualifications i feel would be more than enough to  start offering bookkeeping services.

There is plenty of advice on the forum about how to go about trying to get business - starting off with a self-employed family member is always a good way to cut your teeth.

Sending an introductory letter to accountants offering your services followed up by a phone call if also good, advertising in shops in business parks has been mentioned and one which i am going to try soon, going through the yellow pages and targeting sole traders through flyers etc...

One which worked for me was attending a local business start up group, handing out my business cards to fellow students.

Hope this helps and good luck.



Status: Offline
Posts: 6

Be warned though .... if you have a practising certificate, your indemnity insurance won't cover you for any task you are not qualified to do... e.g. you cannot advertise that you do payroll OR be insured for undertaking the task if you do not have the correct qualification. If you choose to do so then it would be at your own risk and not recommended!

Sorry for Voice of Doom effect - just that I ran into some trouble with ICB for saying I could do payroll (which I can but am not qualified) on my website and had to remove it.

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